Friday Letter, 1-20-23

As I reviewed multiple topics for today’s letter, I realized that they share the common theme of leading the College to “something better.” While we do excellent work, we all know that continuous improvement is a part of our ethos.

I reviewed design work for Cascadia’s Gateway Building (CC5). It is so exciting to see the plans for what is to come. It is unlikely that it will be funded for construction in this year’s legislative session, so we may be one or two years out before construction starts.

Tenth day enrollment numbers showed us having an improved enrollment of 3.6% over the same time last year. That’s progress in the right direction. Dr. Michael Horn presented the numbers to the Trustees on Wednesday and will continue to monitor trends.

I met this week with the new Executive Director of the Bothell-Kenmore Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber has been a long-time supporter of the campus and developing a relationship with their new leadership is exciting. As you may recall, their former leader is now the Executive Director of the Cascadia College Foundation (Brittany Caldwell).

It is exciting to report that our strategies and activities for fundraising through the Foundation begin in earnest next month. The Board is ready, the staff is ready, and we hope the donors are ready. Brittany will give an update on the Foundation’s activity at the February Trustees’ meeting.

Next week, I will be in Olympia for a 3-part gig: Monday will be spent with our new(ish) Trustees Norm Seabrooks and Angie Hinojos as we go through the Trustees’ state orientation together; Tuesday will be spent talking to legislators about community college needs; Wednesday will be spent with my colleagues in the monthly Presidents’ meeting.

One of the most exciting aspects of this trip to Olympia is that a Cascadia student will (for the first time in the college’s history) receive the Transforming Lives Award from the state’s Trustee Association. Congratulations to Rita Nichols-Kaskes for this award and thanks to her for recognizing Cascadia as a critical part of her success. Bryan Fauth and Erin Blakeney will accompany her to the award ceremony and all five Trustees will be present.

Also coming soon, the Trustees and I will be meeting with the school district superintendents of Lake Washington, Northshore, and Riverview as we discuss our post-pandemic partnerships. It is exciting to be back to a more connected relationship with each of the districts.

In all, these are positive steps forward for the institution.


Thanks to Dr. Brian Bansenauer this week for giving us a faculty focus at the Trustees’ meeting. He shared about the progress of our Bachelor’s Program in Mobile Applications and how the program works to conquer equity gaps in the tech industry. His easy-going style in concert with his breadth of knowledge made the focus fun to watch.

Have a great weekend.

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