Friday Letter, 6-7-19

On Tuesday of this week, I hope you had a chance to admire the colorful clothing, the excited children, and the practice of Eid Prayers which occurred in Mobius Hall.

One Cascadian wrote me this email about the event:

There are days my heart swells with workplace pride. Today was one of those days. To see our campus welcoming hundreds of individuals/families as they celebrated Eid was lovely. The beauty of the moment was beyond words. I don’t just mean the physical beauty of the dresses, suits, and smiles. I mean the beauty of the group coming together and declaring themselves. I mean the beauty of having created a campus culture where the group felt safe enough to gather. We know inclusion has to be more than words and good intentions. It has to be daily actions that lead to oppressed groups feeling welcomed, embraced, and safe. I am so grateful to have been witness to this celebration. I feel really proud of our campus today. I know we still have work to do, but today gave me hope. May this group, and all historically marginalized groups, always feel safe on our campus.

For more information and background, please check out:

I’d like to also direct everyone’s attention to the Special Letter posted this week on Wednesday. It updates our budget progress and shares information about next steps.

On Monday of next week, now that budget considerations are finished, I will be posting the results of another large project that has been on-going for about 4 months. We have cataloged and updated all of our committees, their membership, and to whom they report. This updated and reorganized list of “Governance Structures &Work Groups” will help everyone follow along with regard to our shared governance and where things happen on campus. During the fall of next year, we will call all Work Group leaders together to discuss how each group represents themselves on go.cascadia and the responsibilities of the leadership of each work group.

A shoutout today to Kristen Jaoui.  “She helped make the Classified Design Contest a success and provided cost conscious options.  She communicated with the many different vendors until one was found that would work with us.”  Good work Kristen!  (Shout outs to fellow Kodiaks can be submitted to:

Don’t forget to order your shirt, sweatshirt, bag, or mug!

Next week is busy for all of us. I look forward to seeing everyone at all of our celebrations.

Don’t forget:  Please regularly visit the ctcLink blog to find out the latest about our progress.

Have a great weekend.

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